Monday, January 31, 2011

Graduate Student Biostatistics Association


Article I: Name and Purpose

Section 1. The organization shall be named the Graduate Student Biostatistics Association, and shall be commonly referred to by its acronym, GSBA.

Section 2. The purpose of this organization is to support graduate students in the Department of Biostatistics. This will be accomplished by encourage interaction outside of the classroom through volunteer, social, and educational activities and create a stronger community within our department and throughout the University of Kansas Medical Center.

Article II: Membership

Section 1. All students matriculated in the graduate programs at University of Kansas Medical Center are members.

Section 2.  The legislative authority of the Association rests within the membership of the organization. 

Article III: Nominations and Elections

Section 1.  The elected officers of the Association shall be the President, the Vice President, and the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 2.  Nominations shall be taken from the floor at the meeting of the membership.  All candidates must be members in good standing.  To be considered in good standing for election to a GSBA office, a member must have attended 75% of the GSBA organization meetings and 50% of the GSBA organization events.  Attendance will be noted by the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 3.  Members shall vote by written secret ballot.  A candidate must need a plurality of votes to win the office.
Section 4.  No member shall concurrently hold more than one (1) elected office.  A member shall have a limit of two (2) consecutive terms in any office.

Section 5.  Elections for officers shall take place each Fall semester; the exact date to be determined by the majority vote of the Executive Board but not later than the second week of September.

Section 6.  All votes will be counted twice by the President, Vice President, and Secretary-Treasurer.

Section 7.  In the event of a tie, the Executive Board will vote to break the tie.

Article IV: Officer Duties

Section 1. The President is to preside at all meetings of the membership and the Executive Board, to create committees and appoint members to committees, to insure that projects are completed, and to enforce the provisions of this Constitution. 

Section 2.  The Vice President is to preside at any meeting when the President is absent or when requested to do so by the President, to be responsible for the Association’s website, to create publicity and design advertising.

Section 3.  The Secretary-Treasurer is to record the minutes of the membership and of the Executive Board meetings, to handle Association correspondence, create the agenda for meetings, to develop an annual budget, and to keep accurate accounts of all monies collected and disbursed.

Section 4.  The term of office shall be for one (1) year from election until replaced by their duly-elected successor.

Section 5.  The removal of any officer may be called for when the duties and obligations of their office are not fulfilled.  If the officer is removed or resigns, the Executive Board shall appoint a suitable replacement to complete the unfinished term.

Article V: Meetings

Section 1.  Meetings of the general membership shall be called by the President at a date, time, and location publicized to the membership by the Secretary-Treasurer. A minimum of one meeting per semester shall be called.

Section 2.  Meetings of the Executive Board shall be called by the President at a date, time, and location determined by a simple majority of the Board.

Section 3.  Special meetings of the Association may be called by the petition of ten percent (10%) of the general membership, or by three (3) members of the Executive Board.

Article VI: Faculty Advisor

Section 1.  The Advisor shall be chosen by the Association from within the faculty or staff of the Biostatistics program.

Section 2.  The duties of the Advisor shall be to advise the Association officers; to preserve communication between the officers and the membership; to co-sign any paperwork necessary for the successful operation of the Association; and any other duties as adopted by the membership.

Article VII: Procedures

Section 1.  Other than stipulated within this Constitution, its amendments, and future by-laws, all business is to be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.
Section 2.  A quorum to conduct business at the meeting of the general membership shall be those members present.

Article VIII: Affiliation

Section 1.  The Association shall affiliate with the mu sigma rho ( The affiliation should be completed after one year of activity (09-2011).

Article IX: By-Laws

Section 1.  By-laws may be established, but are prohibited from contradicting any part of this Constitution.

Section 2.  By-laws may be amended or repealed by a majority vote of the membership.

Article X: Amendments

Section 1.  This Constitution may be reviewed each academic semester.

Section 2.  A proposed amendment must be submitted in writing to the President two (2) weeks before a meeting of the general membership.  Copies of the amendment must be sent to all members for study one (1) week before the meeting.

Section 3.  Voting shall take place at a meeting of the general membership.  Any amendment must receive a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative majority by those members present and voting in order for adoption.   Any member proposing an amendment to this constitution or the organization GSBA at large must be present when voting takes place.

Article XII: Ratification

Section 1.  The ratification of this Constitution shall by a secret ballot.

Section 2.  A majority vote in the affirmative of those members present and voting will be required for ratification.

Section 3.  Upon ratification, copies of this Constitution and its future amendments shall be deposited with the Adviser.

By-Laws of the Graduate Student Statistics Association

Section 1: Name and Purpose
1.1  The name of this organization shall be Graduate Student Biotatistics Assosiation.
1.2  The purpose of this organization is to support graduate students in the Department of Biostatistics. This will be accomplished by encourage interaction outside of the classroom through volunteer, social, and educational activities and create a stronger community within our department and throughout the University of Kansas Medical Center..

Section 2: Membership
2.1 All membership shall begin with acceptance to the graduate program. 
2.2 Associate members of the Association shall be required to remit membership dues one-half the amount of the Full member.
2.3 Any member may resign their membership in the Association at any time and for any justification.
2.4  Any member found guilty of actions contrary to the best interests of the organization or in violation of the Constitution or By-laws, may be liable to suspension of membership by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Executive Board, subject to ratification based on a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the general membership.
Section III: Nominations and Elections
3.1 Any candidate has the right to request one (1) recount of those ballots cast in a particular race.
3.2 The order in which officers are elected shall be Office of the President, Office of the Vice President, Office of the Secretary-Treasurer.

Section IV: Executive Board
5.1 Executive Board should execute all their duties motioned in the Constitution.
5.2 Executive Board should meet outside the general meeting to discuss any management related issues or any other causes that occur and need to be discussed within the Executive Board only.

Section V: Meetings
6.1 The order of business for Executive Board meetings shall be conducted in the following order (this order shall be used at the pleasure of the President):
            6.1.1  Call to Order
            6.1.2  Progress Reports
                Vice President
            6.1.3  Current Business
            6.1.4  Future Business
            6.1.5  Announcements
            6.1.6  Advisor’s Remarks
            6.1.7  Adjournments
6.2 The order of business for meetings of the general membership shall be conducted in the following order:
            6.2.1  Call to Order
            6.2.2  Status of the Association Treasury
            6.3.3  Officer Reports
                Vice President
            6.2.4  Old Business
            6.2.5  Current Business
            6.2.6  Future Business
            6.2.7  Announcements
            6.2.8  Adjournment
Section VI: Faculty Advisor
(No by-laws at present)

Section VII: Procedures (Finances)
8.1 The Association shall apply for an annual stipend from the Graduate Student Council.  When the stipend is received, the Secretary-Treasurer shall create a budget for disbursement of these funds which shall be approved by majority vote of the Executive Board.
8.2 Only the President, Secretary-Treasurer, and Advisor are authorized to spend the Association’s funds.
8.4 External sources of funding may be identified and pursued with guidelines and procedures created and amended by majority vote of the Executive Board.

Section VIII: Affiliation
(No by-laws at present)

Section IX: Committees
(No By-laws at present)

Section X: Amendments
11.1 Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed by any member of the Association and submitted to any member of the Executive Board.
11.2 Proposed amendments must be presented for review to the Executive Board at least one regular meeting prior to the final vote.
11.3 A proposed amendment shall become effective when ratified by a two-thirds (2/3) affirmative vote of the Executive Board.

2010-2011 Academic Year

President:  Ana Mutu
Vice-president: Beibei Xu
Secretary:      Joyce Yu Jiang

Advisor: Tamela Walz